CLAY BRICKS - (Stock bricks, Semi Face bricks & Face bricks) Standard Clay stock bricks are classed by NFP or NFX.

NFP stands for non-facing plaster which basically means it is a brick to be plastered. NFX stands for Non facing extra. This means that you could use this brick as a semi face bricks and it is not required to be plastered. Our clay bricks has very low water absorption. Brick ‘n Tile Brokers clay bricks are known for their consistency in quality and shape. These clay bricks exceed the minimum specifications of standards authorities will respect the brick strength,water absorption,efflorescence and dimensional stability to be. Size of clay bricks Size: 220mm x 100mm x 70mm Efflorescene: Nil to slight Water absorbtion: 10.9% Strength: 14MPa - 41.1MPa

Advantages of using clay bricks

Clay bricks provide a good solid foundation when you are building. They come in handy, for any building project, whether you are extending your house or building a new one. Clay bricks are very reliable, and are used,loved and come highly recommended by most builders. The reason why builders use clay bricks, is because of the great advantages. These are the advantages: • Clay bricks are fire resistant • Clay bricks have a low carbon footprint • Clay bricks are very strong • Clay bricks are very reliable • Clay bricks are highly affordable Brick ‘n Tile Brokers understand the construction industry. We can deliver as many bricks to your building site as needed, with no hassles. We at Brick 'n Tile Brokers make sure that all our clients are satisfied clients. We do not rest until the job is done.

Cost comparison between concrete block paving bricks and premix asphalt(tar)

This article gives a cost comparison of Concrete Block Paving Bricks and Premix Asphalt Paving done independently in June 2007 in the Gauteng region. The costings are based on three qualities of subgrade and three job types and sizes. Obviously the size and layout of each individual job affects the cost. The design requirements for CBP and Premix Asphalt Paving differ as CBP is a structural layer whereas PAP is only a surfacing layer and should not be compared in isolation and for this reason the layers required for each are not the same. The final costings are influenced by design, the type of surfacing (CBP and PAP) and the size and intricacy of the job. The classification of subgrade and earthworks layers beneath the paving are based on UTG 2. In a recent cost comparison between Premix Asphalt Paving (PAP) and Concrete Block Paving (CBP) not only did CBP prove, generally, to be the most cost effective option but, because CBP is aesthetically more pleasing and structurally superior, CBP is the preferred choice for a wide range of applications – from car parks and urban roads to heavy duty industrial areas.

Car Parks - Area 3 000m2

Multi dwelling driveways, car parks and residential streets. The average cost per square meter for paving bricks is R238.22 compared to R 215.53 per sqaure meter fo tar. But the additional cost of maintenance(over 10 years) incured by using tar is approximatley R 22.28. This makes the total cost of tar R 237.85. This gives a saving of less than R 0.50 per square meter but the paving bricks does have additional benefits and far greater aesthetic value.

Urban Roads - Area 5 000m2

Township/Estate road developments and light duty industrial. As a result of the increase earthworks layers reguired under tar roads, the cost of Premix Asphalt Paving increases to R 255.74 per square meters with an additional cost of R 28.89 for maintanance over 10 years. In comparison, the cost of paving bricks is only R 248.39

Heavy Duty - Area 10 000m2

Heavy duty industrial, bus terminals and through roads in urban areas. On heavy duty roads, the earthworks layers of bricks and tar are roughly the same, but the thicker layer of tar required makes the cost of bricks lower than that of tar. Premix asphalt will cost R 380.56 (including maintenance) in comparison to R 326.96 of concrete block paving

Further Advantages of using Paving Bricks instead of Tar

Safety features, which are particular to CBP, include

Furthermore, it is known that asphalt surfaces need to be overlaid after some years of use. UTG 3 indicates that the period of time before an overlay is required may vary between 7 and 15 years. As the premix asphalt surface layer makes up approx. 27% to 37% of the total paving cost, this is the amount which needs to be added at present costs if an asphalt overlay is required over the life of the asphalt roads


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